To Change Your AOL Browser's Security Settings
To correct this situation, do the following: |
- Click on Settings, then select Preferences.
- On the window that comes up click on Internet Properties
- When the Internet Options window appears, note
that it has several tabs: General, Security,
Content, etc. Click on the Security
- You will then see the following window:
- Click on the button labeled Custom Level. You
will then see the following window:
- Towards the bottom of this window, in the Reset custom
settings area, make sure that Medium
is selected. If it is not, selected by pulling down on the
menu arrow and selecting Medium.
- Click on the Reset button. Once you've done
this, the system will ask you if you are sure that you want
to change your security settings. Answer Yes.
- Click OK to close the Security Settings
and the Internet Options windows.
This should take care of the security settings problem. If you
still can't see the map, it probably is because your browser does
not have the Flash plug-in installed. To do this, go to this
Macromedia page.