Computer Tomography


This company actually designed and built a PDP-11 plug-compatible (“clones” for you 20-somethings) minicomputer, circa 1975.

They manufactured and sold a couple of hundreds of these things before DEC came down on them and shut them down. DEC has always been very aggressive about their intellectual property, even if it only looked like it. They successfully blocked would-be manufacturers of what they called DECtape, a really funky magnetic tape subsystem. This, even though the whole thing was developed at MIT’s LINK Lab and it was even called LINKtape for a while (until DEC made us all forget :-). In the case of Caldata, they got ’em for violating DEC’s Unibus patents.

By the way, note that the name was spelled Caldata and not CalData since, alas, the life saving technique of using multiple capitals in a single word had yet not been invented.