From the point of view of a person, named the root
(tronco), these lines are labeled as follows
(e.g., for purposes of inheritance):
- Straight (Recta).
- A straight line of ancestors and descendant.
- Descendant line (línea descendiente).
- Children, grand children, great grand children,
- Ancestor line (línea ascendiente).
- Parents, grand parents, great grand parents,
- Collateral (Colateral o Transversa).
- Relationships between blood relatives not related
by direct descendance or ascendance.
- Prefered (Preferentes).
- Siblings and nieces and nephews (i.e.,
two and three degrees apart, respectively).
- Ordinary (Ordinarios).
- Uncles, cousins, etc. (i.e., four to
six degrees apart).