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Organizing Chaos - 12.25.03

Another month. Well. I've learned that fans aren't people who love you for what you do. They're people who hate you if you stop doing what your doing. Thanks to all those who have been encouraging me on the comic. I'm always suprised when at around two weeks of lateness my conversations usually start with, "Why haven't you updated the comic?" and "WTF?".

By the way: I have nothing against Jesus or Santa Claus. Jesus is awesome and so is Santa Claus. In fact, this Christmas was awesome. Mainly because there was a lot less stress when it came to organizing Christmas dinner, which usually puts everyone out of whack.

As gifts: I got a keychain light that is so bright, if I point it at you I can see your skeleton; pants; shirt; a belt (my other one exploded, evidently I missed the warning that it was an exploding belt); and some money, which I'm going to invest. Everything that I wanted.

I hope everyone's Christmas/Hanukkah/get-togethers went really well. And make sure to eat your Scroties.

PS: Competitive Dradel duels are awesome.

--Adrian Perez